Colorize Image

How to Colorize Black and White Photos with AI?

With Magickimg AI Colorize, you can effortlessly breathe life into your old black and white images in a few simple steps.

  1. 01

    Upload an Old Photo

    Upload your black and white photo to AI Colorize. We support both JPG and PNG formats.

  2. 02

    AI Colorizes Photo

    Our innovative machine learning technology comes into action, intelligently adding colors to the image whilst keeping the original details intact.

  3. 03

    Preview & Download

    Preview the colorized image and make any final tweaks if necessary. Once you're satisfied, download the vibrant color image straight to your device.

Amazing Quality

  • AI Art Generator
  • Photo Restoration
  • Headshot Generator
  • Face2Emoji
  • Face2Famous
  • Face2Cartoon
  • Remove Background
  • Colorize Image


  • AI Image Enhancement

    Obtain excellent results through Magickimg's advanced artificial intelligence algorithm. Discover new potential in every image.

  • Transform With Deep Learning

    Let our intelligent deep learning systems evolve the way you work with photos. Magickimg drives incredible improvements.

  • Fast, Easy to use

    Enhance images in just a few clicks with Magickimg's user-friendly interface. Designed for simplicity and individual needs.

  • Free trial

    Try Magickimg for free, then choose the subscription plan that's right for you. The choice is yours.

  • Unrivaled Image Resolution

    Take image quality to new heights with Magickimg's unmatched AI-powered resolution improvements. Crisper, sharper, more vivid.

  • Secure and Reliable Service

    Your privacy and data security is our top priority. Magickimg processes your photos securely for peace of mind.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know

What is magickimg?
Magickimg is an AI-driven platform harnessing the power of deep learning for revolutionary image enhancement. Our sophisticated tools utilize AI, transforming and optimizing your photos to their fullest potential. Experience the intersection of creativity and technology with advanced AI and deep learning capabilities for image editing.
Is this app free?
Magickimg provides 5 trial credits per month for free accounts. To obtain more credits, you can purchase a subscription account.
What do you do with my photos after generated?

Uploaded and generated files are deleted after 1 hour. We do not store your photo data, so don't forget to download your files.

Does Magickimg have an affiliate program?
Yes, you can apply for the affiliate program at Affiliates and earn up to $59.76 on each sale.
Can I request a refund?

Subscribers can cancel subscription at anytime, with cancellations taking effect after the current billing cycle ends.

Please ensure to fully evaluate our services before subscribing, as our high GPU processing costs prevent us from offering refunds.

Something we didn't cover? We're happy to have feedback .

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